虚块信令 ​is a safety-critical SIL 4, CENELEC-compliant product that provides the safety-critical delivery of M和atory Directives (movement authorities 和 restrictions) to trains in electronic-only mode (elimination of read 和 repeat).

除了, 虚块信令 ​ensures vital overlap protection of electronic 和 verbal authorities in Track Warrant Control (TWC) operation. Train-control solutions based on IVOC require minimal wayside components installation, reducing the CAPEX 和 OPEX cost for signaling of new railway lines or existing ones to be rehabilitated.

虚块信令 ​provides the following key functions:

  • Electronic-only delivery of movement authorities 和 restrictions to trains in electronic-only mode, 提供无纸化出租车
  • Restriction mapping to movement authorities for trains in both CTC 和 TWC territories
  • Movement authority overlap validation
  • Will permit overlaps for contingent authorities when marked as contingent
  • Authority-verbiage validation to ensure verbal authorities known to the crew is what IVOC is protecting
  • Alternate protection to ensure accidental removal of a movement authority leaving the entity unprotected
  • Enter Main Track (EMT) overlap protection for h和-thrown switches
  • Pass Signal at Stop (PSS) overlap protection if another vehicle is already authorized for that section of track
  • Crew-initiated rollup 和 release to allow crew to rollup movement authority in conjunction with TMC to allow IVOC or dispatcher to authorize next train for that section of track
  • PIN protection for verbal authorities giving ownership of movement authority to crew as to when it can be released
  • Improved train location reporting in dark territory
  • Improved authority-violation reporting by reducing b和width, only sending report to CAD 和 violated train if train violation overlaps that train’s movement authority


  • Remote control of switches in dark territory
  • Unmonitored switch status determined by h和ling reports 和 onboard traversal reporting
  • Automatic rollup of movement authority with inclusion of GPS-enabled End of Train (EOT) device
  • Dynamic authority where movement authority will be sent to a train as the leading train releases track
  • Restricted speed collision avoidance in CTC territory

虚块信令 offers the following benefits:


Paperless cab provides increased efficiency 和 reduction of work for the dispatcher 和 crew


增加安全 by reducing manual, error prone work


Virtual block layout of system, allowing for increased capacity

Improved operational efficiency

增加容量 和 improved operational efficiency in dark territory


增加安全 for verbal authorities




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